New location: 12 Bedford Street, Bentley WA 6102

Suffering from symptoms of your illness caused by stress, pain,
inflammation, or other health issues?

Swangle Acupuncture takes a holistic approach to health by considering personal requirements specific to the individual – including their lifestyle, emotional state and physical wellbeing. To encourage the body’s self-healing ability and restore wellness, Chinese diagnosis and assessment methods are combined with Western biomedical science to provide optimum health and treatment.

Swangle is committed to using safe, natural and effective therapies to facilitate the healing process. Treatments are designed to compliment and work together with any other natural or Western medicine treatments clients may be receiving. These services include acupuncture, cupping, TDP lamp therapy, herbal medicine and Chinese dietary therapy.

All the treatments are done by Nga personally. We emphasise the importance of building a strong client-practitioner relationship, so the individualised treatment is consistent and can be carefully monitored; maximising results and the client’s wellbeing.

List of most common illnesses:

Pain management
Digestive disorders
Fertility, IVF support
Gynecological disorders
Stress and anxiety
Stroke sequelae and neurological disorders